Currently available for trade
Caterpie x 1
Weedle x 1
Horsea x 1
Houndour x 1
Poocheyna x 1
Rhyhorn x 2
Wynaut x 1
Nidoran x 3
Ralts x 3
Tediursa x 4
Chikorita x 1
Bulbasaur x 1
Hatchlings and Spares
Snorlax (3) (2 Female) - 2 hatched, 1 traded
Mudkip - Hatched
Skitty (6) - 5 hatched, 1 caught
Murkrow (3) - Hatched
Squirtle (3) - Hatched
Turtwig (4) - Hatched
Eevee (4) (1 female) - Hatched (one levelled to 4)
Umbreon (1) - Hatched and lvld
Leafeon (1) - Hatched and lvld
Nidoran Fem (2) - Hatched
Growlithe (3) - Hatched
Totodile - Hatched
Krabby - Caught
Carnivine (3) (1 female) - Hatched
Snover - Caught
Spiritomb - Hatched
Duskull (6) (2 Female) - Hatched
Swinub - Caught
Torchic (4) (1 Female) - Hatched
Bulbasaur (2) (1 Female) - Hatched
Treeco (3) (1 Female) - Hatched
Scyther (2) (1 Female) - Hatched
Salamence (Female) - Traded
Arcanine (Female) - Traded
Banette - Caught
Mime Jr. - Caught
Charizard - Traded, probable hack (lv100, only has 3 moves, was practically given away)
Charmander (3) (1 female) - Hatched
Combee (1) - Hatched
Swellow - Caught
Minun (Female) - Caught
Monferno - Traded
Riolu - Hatched
Miltank (Female) - Traded
Phione - Hatched
Milotic (female) - Traded
Glameow (2) - Hatched
Feebas (2) (1 female) - Hatched
Shieldon (2) - Hatched
Burmy - Hatched
Pichu (2) (1 Female) - Hatched
Mantine (Female) - Hatched
Doduo (female) - Caught
Heracross (Female) - Hatched
Dunsparce (Female) - Caught
Hippopotas (Female) - Hatched
Elekid (2) - Caught
Leftovers, dregs and orphans
Bidoof (2) (Female)
Geodude (2)
Machop (2)
Available on request :
Espeons, Umbreons and Lucarios. That's right, I will walk 10,000 steps and I will walk 10,000 more just to be that man who walks 20,000 steps to fall down at your door (with a soothe-belled level 2 happiness evol in my bag)
Not yet they don't but if you have.... "special" requirements, I'm happy to try and train the little tykes to do what you're looking for. Are you sure it's legal in your country? Also, please provide a list of meat pastes that are easily available in your area as they're used in the training process.
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